One Month Thank You! ♥

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A letter from the founder, LEGGO Ghostie:

LEGGO News opened just over a month ago with the goal of informing fans of everything happening with EXID and LEGGO. We want to cover both official events and fan events so that everybody can enjoy being a fan and can get involved if they want to.


Thank you, LEGGOs, for the support and love. I and the others involved are always appreciative. We will continue to work hard for you and for EXID.

[Anonymous] and Hyelinikid, thank you for the tips and advice. I was surprised that words could have such a high value, and I’m grateful that you spent them for this project. I’d also like to thank Hyelinikid for helping to create content.

BabyHyelin, thank you for the initial promotions and for always making time to proofread the articles before they go out. Your work helps to ensure our accuracy and quality.

CeoAhnHyojin, our second columnist, whose artwork column was an instant hit! A lot of compliments were received about it, and you’re helping to make LEGGO News into what it aims to be.

There are others who have helped by sending us info, and there are others who are preparing to help more. Thank you for all that you do for us and more importantly for the fandom. 🙂

Future Changes

We’ve made changes quickly for the past few weeks, but the rate of change will be more gradual now. We’ve tested the waters and adjusted to be more efficient and focused.

Near the end of the month, we will recruit an additional person to generate articles. EXID members are scheduled to be more active soon, and we hope to be prepared.

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