Hyelin on Celeb Beauty 2

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Hyelin will be an MC on season 2 of Celeb Beauty, a show where celebrities share beauty tips and review beauty products. She will be joined by celebrities Kim Jimin, Lee Yubi, and Lee Siyoung.((Instagram post about season 2: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAM9ZcXg9k1/)) The show will start on July 8th at 11:50pm. ((Naver Search of the show (see the summary): https://search.naver.com/search.naver?where=nexearch&sm=tab_etc&mra=bjkw&query=%EC%85%80%EB%9F%BD%EB%B7%B0%ED%8B%B0%202))

On Celeb Beauty, learn what celebrities do to be beautiful. The MC’s are celebrities who will share their beauty tips and review beauty products for us. In season 1, the tips included drinking water, and the products included masks.((Naver post about season 1: https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=27339611))

Let’s learn from Hyelin and the other MC’s how to be more beautiful LEGGOs! 😉

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