Buying Domestically Overseas

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Lollipops, lightsticks, sweaters, and shirts! When EXID Japan announces new products, we want it all! “Wow”, LEGGOs exclaim, “it all looks so pretty!” We get our credit cards out and hurry to the online shops. That’s when we see it…


ARGS Online Shop

They don’t ship overseas.

Option 1: The Waiting Game

Until now, LEGGO News has advised a waiting game. Products are available internationally some time after they are available in Japan. Sometimes, we must wait a very long time for this.

The EXID Mumo shop is a good place to watch for products. The jacket was available quickly, the lightstick was added a year late, and the lollipops are still not there.

We wait, and we hope.

Option 2: The *Not* Waiting Game

There is another way. It costs more money. It takes more time. But, there is another way. You can ship it to an address in Japan, which will then ship it to you.

There are companies built around this service. Google for “Japanese address forwarding service” to find them. Two that we have heard positive reviews of by LEGGOs are:

Pick one. They will give you a special Japanese address to enter for your shipping address. Anything sent to that specific address will be forwarded to your overseas address.

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