July Planned Updates

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Hello, LEGGOs. We have some changes planned for LEGGO News. Some of them are internal changes so that we can work more efficiently. And some of them are changes that you will see on the front end. We hope that you enjoy them!

Reporting Changes

August 10th will be the last “This Week In EXID” issue before it is discontinued. Its purpose has been to inform LEGGOs of EXIDs activities, but that is now duplicated by our schedule page and by…

August 17th, we will begin tweeting and posting Instagram stories some time before every event as a reminder of EXID’s scheduled activities. There will not be an associated article for every event.

Later, we want to start creating simple articles for every social media post of our idols. This is similar to how many Korean news outlets update about EXID. There will not be an associated social media update for these simple articles.

We would also like to add more columns. If you are interested in writing a monthly column, please let us know.

Interface Changes

“Read more…” links will be added to excerpts. Some users have not realized that there is more to articles if you click to read them. this will make it more obvious.

A full tag list will be added onto articles. Currently, only the primary term is shown at the top. This may be removed, or at least limited to just column names. It will instead be in the new tag list.

There is a bug wherein small images are zoomed in very large on small screens. We have a patch in place right now, but it needs investigated and fixed well.

Internal Changes

These changes you won’t see, but we will:

Our article editor needs some work. There are some issues when using it on mobile devices, and the text styling doesn’t match what is published. The default document settings will also be changed.

We will add the ability to schedule Instagram stories. This will be needed for our upcoming reminders feature.

We will add tools to manage the simple articles for every idol’s social media update. It is impossible to keep up with this with our small number of busy staff, but what if it can be automated? Our programmer has a few ideas. 😉

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