September Planned Updates

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In August, we made a few planned changes that we talked about <here>. (We should have titled that article as “August Planned Updates”.) In September, we will make some more changes, and one of them is pretty damn exciting! 😉

Interface Changes

“Write for LEGGO News” will be removed. It is not often visited, and we want to make room for another link…

“Schedule” will be moved to the top menu, at least at first. Those menu items are not visited often. If the traffic to the page decreases a lot, then we will move it back.

“Meta” will be removed from the menu. It will still exist, but it won’t be listed on the menu.

“SNS” or a similarly named category will be added to the menu. This will be for the idols’ social media updates.

Articles on Instagram Posts

Starting September 7th, we will be publishing an article for every Instagram post of the idols. It will serve as an archive of their posts, and any nearby events will be noted.

We have created an artificial intelligence to help. It will monitor the Instagram accounts for updates, then generate a simple article about every new post. One of our staff will review each article, then publish it after making any needed tweaks.

The AI still needs improvements, so each article will need tweaked before publishing. It only recognizes Jeonghwa right now, and it insists that Hyelin is “a baby”. Nevertheless, it will save us time and allow us to publish the new Instagram articles.

Internal Changes

These changes you won’t see, but we will:

We will do a cybersecurity checkup, as we do every month. This month, we will remove some unused accounts and tweak some settings for upload sizes. Any other issues we find will be addressed too.

Bug fixes will be made. There were a few minor bugs reported, mostly to do with our article editor. There are no major issues right now.

Our automated processes will include the AI journalist after the 7th. You won’t see this, but you’ll see the result that was mentioned in the section above. It will run periodically to look for any updates, just like @exidnumbers does.

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