Merry Christmas and Thank You!

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LEGGO News admin LEGGO Ghostie here. I just wanted to say thank you so much to our staff who help make this site what it is, other LEGGOs who make our work worthwhile, and EXID themselves for giving us this opportunity to support them. Thank you all!

To me, this is more than a hobby. EXID and supporting EXID has had a measurable positive impact on my life. Most recently, I started a much better job because they were impressed with this very fan website. This wouldn’t have been possible without the three groups I just thanked. I mean it sincerely. 🤗

For the next few days, our five staff will be spending time with their loved ones. The only exception is the AI that generates the Instagram articles. We’ll resume operations on December 27.

In the meantime, below are some EXID Christmas videos to enjoy. We wish you a very wonderful and merry Christmas!

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