Hani is the Muse for Bium Enzyme

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On December 21, it was announced that Hani is the muse for Bium Enzyme. Bium Enzyme is a beauty product that focuses on the inside of the body. Hani was chosen as a model because Biaum Enzyme felt that she matched their message of a healthy body through self-care and bright, positive energy.((Single List article about Hani being Bium Enzyme’s muse: http://www.slist.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=211656))

Bium Enzyme

The enzymes in our bodies help with all metabolic activities. Bium Enzyme’s products concentrate on the digestive enzymes. They are made for people with irregular diets of processed foods and instant meals.((Facebook post of Bium Enzyme that describes what the enzymes do: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=108358004473826&id=102548338388126))

Check out their products on their website: https://biumenzyme.co.kr/

Update: On December 28, an interview with Hani was released on YouTube.((Interview with Hani on YouTube: https://youtu.be/FxbffWYc-cQ))

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