EXID’s ELLY was born December 10, 1991. She celebrates her birthday this Friday. She turns 30 years old, though by Korean age counting she is 31.
ELLY has many fans who absolutely adore her! This year, as we do every year, we celebrate her birthday excitedly. We want to show her how much she is loved.
Listed below are some of this year’s fan celebrations.
Donation to withHAB
We (LEGGO News) had the honor of leading a donation event this year. We are thankful for the several fans who contributed to the donation pool. After expenses — transfer fees and exchange fees — fans donated ₩2,100,000 to withHAB.
For details, read our article about the donation project <here>.

31 Trees Planted
In previous years, VLEGGOs have thrown parties for our idols’ birthdays. This year, it is impossible due to the pandemic. However, that doesn’t stop them from celebrating their idol’s special day!
This year, V-LEGGO contributed 31 trees for the project “Planting and monitoring the Ben En Forest” to celebrate ELLY’s birthday.((V-LEGGO post about 31 trees planted for ELLY’s birthday: https://www.instagram.com/p/CXRDTyCPYKu/))

Fan Gifts
A fan from Vietnam (cucdaahnhyojinvn_ctyxn on Instagram) sent ELLY many gifts. The gifts include items to keep her warm, a photobook, a Christmas present, a bouquet of flowers, certificates of charity participation over the years, paintings, paper dolls imitating her and Wooyoo, and handwritten letters from fans.1

Profile Icon
EXID GLOBAL (@exidglobal_ on Twitter) made an icon that fans can use until the end of her birthday. Set this as your social media icon to celebrate ELLY’s birthday!2

Birthday Tags
EXID GLOBAL (@exidglobal_ on Twitter) suggests tags to use for ELLY’s birthday. They are #HappiestELLYDay and #효진아_생일축하한다. Be careful not to use them too soon!((EXID GLOBAL’s tweet about tags for ELLY’s birthday: https://twitter.com/exidglobal_/status/1467463826820022273))
- Fan post about gifts to ELLY: https://www.instagram.com/p/CXRD21VPIxe/ [↩]
- EXID GLOBAL tweet about profile icon for ELLY’s birthday: https://twitter.com/exidglobal_/status/1467443282041057285 [↩]