EXID Japan announced on March 23 that a Spring Lucky Bag has been added to EXID’s Args shop. There are limited quantities only for sale until April 10. Be sure to buy yourself one quickly!((EXID Japan announcing the “Spring Lucky Bag” on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EXIDjpofficial/status/1506556377300627466))((Spring Lucky Bag on EXID’s Arg shop: http://args.shop33.makeshop.jp/shopdetail/000000000149))
The Spring Lucky Bag contains EXIDs good totaling at least 10,000 yen ($81 USD). Every bag includes two random items plus all of the following:((Spring Lucky Bag on EXID’s Arg shop: http://args.shop33.makeshop.jp/shopdetail/000000000149))
- Premium debut showcase lightstick
- “We Are..” lightstick
- White PASS sticker
- Black PASS sticker
- “Bad Girl For You” PASS sticker
- “TROUBLE” PASS sticker
- Official goods bag charm
- Smartphone ring access
International Shipping
The product descriptions states that shipping outside of Japan is not available.((Spring Lucky Bag on EXID’s Arg shop: http://args.shop33.makeshop.jp/shopdetail/000000000149)) However, international orders are possible by using a shipping proxy. We have had success with <www.tenso.com>.