Hyelin made a Fantrie account and posted her first picture on the platform on August 10.((Hyelin’s Fantrie account: https://fantrie.com/Hyeliniseo))
Most of the photos so far are exclusive to Fantrie, so fans are encouraged to follow her there. While some accounts cost money to subscribe, Hyelin set hers to be free.((Hyelin’s Fantrie account: https://fantrie.com/Hyeliniseo))
Create an account and follow Hyelin at <https://fantrie.com/Hyeliniseo> for more of her content.((Hyelin’s Fantrie account: https://fantrie.com/Hyeliniseo))
[Image removed 2023-01-18 per idol’s instruction.]
Fantrie is a platform to connect creators and fans. Creators can provide their fans with personalized content and connections, and they can sell specific content. Fans can support creators with paid subscriptions, tips, and purchases.((Fantrie support page describing the platform: http://support.fantrie.com/en/support/solutions/articles/67000507405-what-is-fantrie-))
We are unsure what Hyelin’s intention is with the platform. There is currently no way to pay her for anything, because everything on her account is currently free.