Hyelin Graduates from Dongduk Women’s University with Degree in Broadcasting and Entertainment

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On August 22, Dongduk Women’s University held its graduation ceremony and awarded 451 people with degrees after their hard work.((Graduation news on Dongduk Women’s University website: https://www.dongduk.ac.kr/board/kor/kor_news/detail.do?B_IDX=82766)) Among them was EXID’s Seo Hyelin, our beloved idol.((Hyelin’s Instagram post about graduating: https://www.instagram.com/p/ChpKE-tvT5w/))

Hyelin has worked for a long time to finish college. In 2016, it was mentioned that she was in her third year and would have graduated in 2018 if she had not taken a leave of absense to focus on EXID activities. In 2022, she has now finally completed college and obtained her bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Entertainment.((Namu Wiki article about Hyelin: https://namu.wiki/w/혜린))

Congratulations to our idol Hyelin! We know that you have worked very hard for this goal, and LEGGOs are so very proud of you! 💛

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