Hyelin has started a beauty product review series on YouTube channel Studio Codic. She calls her contacts, talks about their beauty needs, then recommends a product for them that she has tested herself for a week.
The Korean name of the series is “혜드린니다”, which is a clever pun. The verb “해드립니다” means “to do for someone”, but Hyelin (“혜린”) intentionally misspells it to bring her name into the verb. Considering the pun, the title translates to “Hyelin Does It for You”.
Hyelin’s first video of the series was on October 14. She called her group member Solji whose concern is dry and flaky skin in the changing seasons. Hyelin has tried Natural Derma Project’s products and recommends one.
Hyelin’s second video of the series was slightly over a week later on October 22. She talks about brittle hair and scalp care. Hyelin recommends three products: shampoo from Dr. Orga, hair oil from Lowel, and a protein mask from Nanoheal.
- First video on channel: https://youtu.be/WSiqybD7UDs
- Second video on channel: https://youtu.be/pR1LZQ_srWI
- Natural Derma Project blog post: https://blog.naver.com/naturalderma/222902458702
- Daily Pop article: http://www.dailypop.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=63486