Our adorable and funny cooking and beauty expert Hyelin celebrates her 28th birthday (29th by Korean counting) this year! She was born August 23, 1993 in Gwangju, South Korea.Fans from around the world celebrate Hyelin’s special day today. We… Read the rest “Hyelin’s Birthday Celebrations by Fans for 2021”
한국어 기사입니다: <https://leggonews.com/?p=22413>EXID Hyelin’s birthday is August 23. Among the many fan celebrations is a special charity event by Hyelinikid and LEGGO News!We are very happy to have worked together on this project, and we are thankful for… Read the rest “EXID Hyelin’s Birthday Charity Event by Hyelinikid and LEGGO News!”
The English version is at: <https://leggonews.com/?p=22288>오는 8월 23일 혜린의 생일을 맞이해 EXID 혜린 팬사이트 “혜린탐구생활제작위원회”(혜탐생)와 레고뉴스가 특별한 기부 서포트를 진행하기로 해 화제를 모으고 있다.레고뉴스의 본부장은 오늘 성명에서 “이 자리를 빌어 이번 서포트 진행을 맡은 혜탐생에 감사함을 전하며 좋은… Read the rest “혜린탐구생활 x 레고뉴스가 EXID 혜린의 생일 맞이 기부 서포트 진행”
Hani’s birthday is coming up on May 1. She will turn 29 years old, or 30 by Korean counting. She was born on May 1, 1992.Hani is an amazing and good person, and her millions of fans would like… Read the rest “Hani Birthday Celebrations”
Jeonghwa celebrates her 26th birthday (27th by Korean counting) this year. She was born on May 8, 1995.Jeonghwa has grown into a very talented and pretty young woman. She is a role model to many and an inspiration to… Read the rest “LEGGOs Celebrate Jeonghwa’s Birthday on May 8”
Solji was born on January 10, 1989. She is an amazing singer, a kind and loving person, and a great leader. On January 10, we celebrate 32 years of this woman’s life. (In Korea, her age is considered to be… Read the rest “LEGGO Celebrate Solji’s Birthday on January 10!”
Our beloved idol celebrates her birthday on December 10. She was born 29 years ago, in 1991. Fans are excited to celebrate this beloved person. We will list the fan celebrations here.We will keep this article updated as more… Read the rest “LE’s 2020 Birthday Celebrations”
Hyelin’s birthday is August 23rd! She was born in 1993. Are you ready to celebrate? We have collected event information for those wanting to participate.Sending a letter or giftYou can send Hyelin a letter wishing her a happy… Read the rest “Hyelin Birthday Celebrations”
Hyelin's birthday is on August 23rd. There are fan events planned, but wouldn't it be cool if Hyelin won the birthday event from THEKKING too? Through July 15th, vote for Hyelin on their app.
On May 8th, “EXID’s Bright Future”((“EXID’s Bright Future” is from the old introduction, discussed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlK67YPYnlw)) Jeonghwa will be celebrating her 25th birthday! 🎉🎂🥳 Fans are excited to joined in and began the festivities days in advance.This story will… Read the rest “Jeonghwa Birthday Celebrations!”