Dragon’s Inn

Jeonghwa will star in the two-part action-noir movie Dragon’s Inn.((Our previous article about Dragon’s Inn: https://leggonews.com/2020/07/02/actress-park-jeonghwa-in-movie-yongrugak/)) It will be the opening film at the Chungju International Martial Arts & Action Film Festival on October 22.((Naver article about the Chungju International… Read the rest “Dragon’s Inn”

Actress Park Jeonghwa in Movie Yongrugak

Our Maknae Park Jeonghwa will star in the action-noir movie "Yongrugak". In the movie, vigilantes bring justice to those that the law fails to judge. Jeonghwa will play Jihye (지혜), a person who plans and orders the cases.